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Junior Venture Capitalist Program

Applications for the Junior VC Program will be accepted April 1-May 31, 2025

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The mission of Next Generation Investors is to raise awareness, inspire and prepare the next generation of women venture capitalists and investors through education and real-life experiences.


Young women in grades 9-12 are invited to apply to become Junior Venture Capitalists (Jr. VCs). The program is unique and created to teach high school girls about investing in businesses. There are several programs targeted at teaching entrepreneurship, but few that address the issue of financing women-founded businesses.

Once selected into the program, the Jr. VCs are taught how to evaluate a business in the same manner a venture capitalist does to determine their investment worthiness. They learn real-life lessons by having access to the Fast Pitch finalists’ information, guidance on how to select investment-worthy businesses and are provided a $5,000 grant to award one of those businesses.


In summary, over the 4 month program they:

  • Learn business fundamentals

  • Understand how to allocate capital to early-stage companies

  • Begin to build a professional network

  • Trained to look for key performance indicators from the Fast Pitch finalists’ presentations

  • Interact with successful business owners and CEOs

  • Become part of the WFN network

View the application criteria and programs details, below.

Application Criteria



We welcome any girl who is in 9th grade (currently, as of the 2024-2025 school year) through 12th grade to apply to the program between April 1 and May 31, 2025. We value diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of our programs.



There will be a combination of online and in-person meetings for small groups, in accordance with current health and safety standards. We accept applications from across the United States, but note that in-person events will take place in the greater Los Angeles, California, region (including the Fast Pitch event in October).



There is a fee to participate if girls are accepted into the program. Our cost for the In-Person Junior Venture Capitalist program is $800 per student. However, we believe in making our program accessible to everyone and if financial constraints are a concern, reach out to explore available scholarships.

If you are not local to the Los Angeles area, please apply for our Online-Only JVC Program. The Participation Fee for this program is $100.

Sponsor two girls to participate in this program by making a tax deductible contribution >> click here to learn more

If you are local to the Los Angeles area, please apply for our In-Person JVC Program.

  • Attend all online Zoom and in-person events

  • Attend in-person Pre-Pitch Workshop to deep-dive into the Fast Pitch Finalist companies

  • Attend in-person annual Fast Pitch Event at UCLA

  • Vote to award one Fast Pitch finalist company the Jr. VC prize of $5,000

If you are not local to the Los Angeles area, please apply for our Online-Only JVC Program.

  • Attend all online Zoom events to learn about entrepreneurship and investing

  • Access to all on-demand Zoom events


Participants will need a reliable internet connection and device to participate in the program. We strongly encourage participating in virtual meetings with a web camera so we can create as authentic an experience as possible. If accepted into the program, Junior VCs will be notified and sent a welcome packet via email.



In addition to participating as a "venture capitalist for a day" at the WFN Fast Pitch event in October, Junior VCs will have the opportunity to meet virtually with women CEOs, entrepreneurs and investors throughout the summer and fall to hear their stories and learn more about starting and running a company, and the fundamentals of investing.

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