These highlights are from the “Term Sheets and Operating Agreements” Startup Fundamentals webinar presented on May 8, 2024 by Alexa Steinberg, corporate attorney at Greenberg Glusker LLP. The on-demand version is available on the WFN website here. The webinar is designed for entrepreneurs and startup founders aiming to demystify the complexities of term sheets, letters of intent (LOIs) and operating agreements. Whether you're in the midst of fundraising, negotiating partnerships, or laying the groundwork for your company's future, understanding these critical documents is essential.
What is a Term Sheet?

A Term Sheet is a preliminary agreement that will be replaced by a final form agreement. It serves as a bridge between initial negotiations and a formal, legally binding agreement. The term sheet provides a brief, yet comprehensive overview of the fundamental aspects of the proposed transaction; a summary of points.
Term Sheets Create MOMENTUM
A Term Sheet presents an opportunity:
Kick start to negotiations
Lets the other side know you are serious without having to throw good money after what potentially could be bad
Allows parties to get on the same page and highlights any potential undefined issues or undiscussed terms
Enables parties to resolve problems before becoming emotionally and financially entrenched in a position
What Terms to Include
Overview of the deal – What is this agreement about? Who are the parties? What responsibilities are being created for each party?
Legal transaction structure – What is the definitive agreement? What does the process look like?
Term – How long is this agreement going to last?
Payment Terms – Who is paying whom? How much? When? Is there an escrow?
Exclusivity – The prohibition on negotiating with others. When does that expire?
Confidentiality – incorporation of an existing NDA
Conditions to close – such as a financing contingency
Deadlines and Other Terms – Any additional obligations each of the parties may have (no-hire, non-compete, etc.). When does the definitive agreement need to be signed?
Non-Binding Nature
In general, Term Sheets are Non-Binding. The purpose of a Term Sheet is to come to an agreement on major terms and to allow the parties to begin the negotiations and due diligence period (if the deals calls for such). However, typically provisions of exclusivity, confidentiality, and no-hire are binding.
Problems & Solutions
Problem: A contracting party can use almost any excuse for renegotiating the terms of a transaction after the Terms Sheet has been signed.
Solution: Define as many terms as possible when you have the maximum amount of leverage.
Problem: The longer the exclusivity period, the lower your negotiating leverage. Most exclusivity periods range from one to three months.
Solution: Keep exclusivity periods as short as possible. Include milestones to continue to be granted exclusivity.
Operating Agreements
An Operating Agreement defines the business's financial and functional decisions and the roles, responsibilities, and liabilities. It establishes how decisions are made, how profits are shared, and how members will be paid.
WHY should you have one?
Members have agreed upon rules and procedures they can refer to in the event of a conflict
Prevent being at the mercy of state statutes, which can be vague, confusing, subject to change and may not match the members’ intentions.
How is your LLC managed?
Member Managed vs. Manager Managed
Member managed means all members have a voice but there are possible stumbling blocks when dealing with silent members who are not actively involved in the business and really don’t understand the nature of the business.
Manager managed centralizes decision-making authority but may cause conflict with members who disagree with decisions.
What is in an Operating Agreement?
It includes the LLC name and address, agent for service of process, name and address of each member of the LLC, amount of capital contribution of each member, classes of units and the rights of each class, and how members can transfer equity.
Tax Treatment
You will need to choose a tax treatment: sole proprietor, partnership, C Corporation, or S Corporation.
Distribution of Profits and Authority
How to distribute profits to members
Create a waterfall
Allows freedom as to when and how to make distributions based on your opinion as manager
If you are manager of an LLC, define scope of authority
What can a manager do without requiring member consent?
Founding member/manager should have broadest scope of authority
What items require member approval?
What percentage?
When is unanimity required?
Permitted and Not Permitted Transfers
Transfers of ownership (membership interests):
Permitted Transfers
Transfers to your living trust or to your company
Such permitted transfers require no approvals
Not Permitted Transfers
Sale of membership interest to third party
Requires approvals
Other members have first right to purchase interests of the transferring member before being sold to third party (Right of First Refusal)
Price determined by other members or appraisals
Do you want third party to have any right to vote as a member? What rights does a transferring member have?
New members get only profit distribution rights
No additional rights without member approval
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